Transternésienne Auxi-Frévent-Ramecourt

Transternésienne Auxi-Frévent-Ramecourt

Effort : 1 - Facile
Technicité : 2 - Assez facile
Risque : 1 -Faible
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The Transternésienne connects the rural towns of Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Frévent and Auxi-le château, between the Canche and Authie valleys.
By traveling the 27km of this old converted railway line you will discover a very rich natural, cultural and historical heritage.
On your way, take the time to contemplate the landscapes of Ternois, observe its fauna and flora and discover the history of this rural territory forged by agriculture and industry.
  • Green setting
  • Remarkable flora and fauna
  • Historical heritage

Altimetric profile

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