Guémy Chapel
Guémy Chapel
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Floristic and faunistic interest
Plant species ♥ ♥
Bird species ♥
Mammal species ♥ ♥
Insect species ♥
Amphibian species ♥
Reptile species ♥ ♥
Some rarer species that you might be able to spot on the ENS
Some common species present on the ENS
Discover our programme of activities :
Plant species ♥ ♥
Bird species ♥
Mammal species ♥ ♥
Insect species ♥
Amphibian species ♥
Reptile species ♥ ♥
Some rarer species that you might be able to spot on the ENS
- The Herringbill (Erynnis tages),
- The Celestial Blue Azure (Lysandra bellargus),
- German gentian (Gentianella germanica).
Some common species present on the ENS
- The Fragile Orvet (Anguis fragilis),
- The Half-mourning Cloak (Melanargia galathea),
- The Bee Ophrys (Ophrys apifera)
Discover our programme of activities :
- Towns crossed : Tournehem-sur-la-Hem
- Hiking trail
- No littering
- Picking is not allowed
Information desks
Office de Tourisme du Pays d'Opale - Antenne de Guines
14 Rue Clémenceau, 62340.0 GUINES
BB Randonnée pédestreGR 128
- 84,3km
- +1183m
YC Randonnée pédestreTournehem-sur-la-HemThe Saint-Louis Chapel
- 3h
- 9,1km
- +169m