The Poilu

The Poilu

Historical and architectural heritage
Memory Heritage
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Trail markings: Yellow


A route that pays tribute to the soldiers (memory ring, Notre-Dame de Lorette cemetery, etc.) who fell in the First World War. It offers a magnificent panorama of the mining basin and the Gohelle plain and major sites such as the Canadian monument at Vimy, the towers of Mont-Saint-Eloi and the twin slag heaps.
  • Departure : Souchez, parking of the European Peace Centre
  • Towns crossed : Souchez, Aix-Noulette, and Ablain-Saint-Nazaire

Altimetric profile

Information desks

Office de Tourisme et du Patrimoine de Lens-Liévin

58 Rue de la Gare, 62300.0 LENS

www.tourisme-lenslievin.frinfo@tourisme-lenslievin.fr03 21 67 66 66

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